Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, we have cancelled this event.
When: Sunday, June 14th. We will drive up in car pools on Saturday, June 13th, stay in lodging and go rafting on Sunday and come home Sunday night.
Where: Rafting on the upper Kern just above Lake Isabella. Considered no more than class 2 or class 3 rapids. Lodging Saturday night at the Corral Creek Resort 8 miles north of Kernville on the Kern River Highway. The club will provide a Happy Hour on the deck of the Resort on Saturday afternoon. You’re responsible for dinner, and we can go as a group to a restaurant in Kernville. Hotel provides breakfast on Sunday morning.
What: Rafting with Eagle River Rafting. Full day includes 4 runs down the river. Choice of guided raft or guide your own kayak with a friend! Half day is two runs in the morning. Both full and half day include a barbecue lunch at the rafting center.
How much? Full day raft trip: $235/person and Half day raft trip: $200/person. Prices includes room and rafting, tax and tip included, rooms are double occupancy.
Note: In the event this trip must be cancelled due to the current Corona Virus restrictions, you will receive a refund.
Trip leader: Bryan Hennes
How to Sign Up: Download the following forms from our website, complete them, and mail them with a check payable to LPSC to Brian Hennes, 493 Glenwood Pl., Thousand Oaks, CA 91362
- Sign-up Form https://lospadresskiclub.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Kern-river-rafting-flyer-2020.pdf
- Trip Waiver https://lospadresskiclub.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Activity-Waiver-Kern-River-rafting-062020.pdf
Must be a member of the Los Padres Ski Club to participate!