The Champagne Murder Mystery Dinner, October 7

Sign up early as people are dying to attend this exclusive event. Deadline for sign up is September 7: SIGN UP

Everyone is a suspect when murder’s on the menu. Cost is $25/person and includes dinner catered by Stone Fire Grill and includes chicken, ribs & tri-tip, pasta, salad & garden salad, breadsticks, dessert and, of course, Champagne. Location TBD.

This is a costume affair, so reach deep into your closet for your Nehru jacket, love beads, mini-skirts and tie-dyed attire!

“Groovy, baby, It’s 1967 and England still swings like a pendulum. You’re spending the weekend with some of the brightest faces in Britain at the Chelsea home of Lord Michael Jagged. What could be more hip and happening? But as you gather for dinner on Saturday evening, the shocking news is brought to you by Austin McClue: Lord Michael is dead. Maybe even murdered. And if he was murdered, one – or more – of you is responsible. Your task is to identify the murderer or, of course, to evade detection.”

It’ll be a crime if you don’t attend, and hehe, maybe one if you do!