Social Distancing TGIT, Thursday, June 4th 5:30pm – 7:30pm

TGIT is back – but with a lot of changes!

You are invited to a social distancing TGIT at a private home in Ventura June 4, 5:30pm – 7:30pm.

Given that precautions must be taken due to COVID 19 it is mandatory that the following be followed: (OK, I know this is redundant because we all want to keep each other — and ourselves — safe)

  • Space is limited to 15 participants. We will have a wait list if necessary.
  • Do not come if you are feeling ill or have a fever.
  • You must RSVP (and you will get the address and parking instructions). 
  • Event will be outdoors (dress accordingly).
  • Masks must be worn when not eating or drinking and you are expected to keep your distance when not sitting.
  • You will be assigned a seat which will be at least 6′ from others. Let us know if you “are staying safe” with someone you can sit close to.
  • This is a BYOB & E event – you must bring EVERYTHING you will need – food, drink, plate, cup, utensils etc. Host will not provide! Don’t even think about using the microwave.
  • The bathroom to be used is on the second floor – climbing stairs should not be an issue for you. 
  • Plan on having a wonderful gathering with your club buds!!!!