General Meeting, Thursday July 1, IN PERSON

We have scheduled an IN-PERSON General Meeting for July 1, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm at the Pierpont Bay Yacht Club (PBYC), 1363 Spinnaker Drive, Ventura Harbor. In accordance with PBYC rules, unvaccinated persons must wear a mask while inside the club and no mask is required for vaccinated persons.

The ski club will provide pizza and you may bring food for your own consumption. Drinks are available to purchase at the bar and no outside alcohol is allowed.

We plan to discuss summer activities and events we can schedule as COVID restrictions ease. Also, we would like to discuss winter ski trip locales and dates. And we plan to have a skiers trivia contest and a raffle!

Mammoth Mountain is offering a limited time offer of a “Quad Pack +” that allows you to Save Up to 50% on 4 Anytime Tickets with No Blackouts. The Quad Pack+ allows you to shred any 4 days you choose for less than $100/day, PLUS save 25% on all ticket reloads for the rest of the season. For Seniors (65 +) the cost is only $329, which is quite a deal! Details can be found at

Quad Pack+
Jeff Heath shredding the fresh powder.