General Meeting, Thursday Sept 5, 6:30pm

Steve Ehret has arranged for Dr. Tracy Long to give a presentation entitled Ventura Botanical Gardens – A Garden for the 21st Century. She will give an overview of the gardens and discuss how botanical gardens in general and VBG in particular play an important role in environmental stewardship today.

The meeting is Thursday, September 5, 6:30pm at the Pierpont Bay Yacht Club, 1363 Spinnaker Dr., Ventura, CA. We will be having a BBQ, so bring a side dish or dessert to share.

Dr. Tracy Long is an anthropologist who specializes in the study of human organizational systems. In 2011, she joined the Board of Directors of a young non-profit, the Ventura Botanical Gardens, in the beginning phases of planning a world class botanic garden in the hills above downtown Ventura. Over the years since joining the Board, she has served as Secretary, Vice President, and President of the organization. These days she serves the gardens directly in several administrative capacities and as the Director of Visitor Services. She considers it a great privilege to be able to observe up close the development of the amazing resource that the Ventura Botanical Gardens are rapidly becoming and to share this beautiful place with the 60,000 guests who visit annually.

Feel free to bring a friend to hear about our Gardens!