President: The President shall be the executive officer of the club and has general supervision, direction and control of the affairs of the club. He/She shall preside at all general meetings and board meetings.
Vice President: The Vice President shall, in the absence or disability of the President, perform all of the duties of the President. The Vice President is responsible for creating and distributing the agenda of all general meetings.
Secretary: The Secretary shall keep board minutes of all meetings, with the time and place of the meeting, how called or authorized, names of those present and the proceedings at all meetings.
Treasurer: The Treasurer shall keep and maintain the books of account of the club, deposit all monies of the club, disburse funds and provide statements of the financial condition of the club.
Membership: The Vice President of Membership shall keep and maintain a listing of club members and initiate and supervise programs to promote club membership.
Ski Trips: The Vice President of Ski Trips shall establish a calendar of trips, make and confirm lodging reservations and keep and maintain books of accounting showing receipts and disbursements pertaining to ski trips.
Social: The Vice President of Social shall be responsible for establishing a calendar of social events, making and confirming reservations and maintaining books of accounting showing receipts and disbursements pertaining to social events.
Communications: The Vice President of Communications shall be responsible for all communications of news and events within the club and publicity with the public. He/She will maintain books of accounting showing receipts and disbursements pertaining to communications.